Friday 29 June 2012

The Margret River

The Margret River

Day 1
On Thursday morning we left at 9:00am and drove down to the Margret River 3 hours away from Perth and we were definitely excited.  We stopped halfway there and had a Hot Chocolate and a bite to eat from a very nice cafe then continuing on to the hotel we were staying at called Margret's Forest.  As soon as we arrived we went on the lawn and played frisbee, went for a walk and visited 4 wineries.  The Voyager Estate, Leeuwin Estate and Stella Bella.  We also visited a berry farm, all of which we played hide and go seek and tasted samples (grape juice).  

Day 2

The Caves

The next day we went to the Jewel Caves which is where I learnt about Sedimentary Rocks which is part of my Science assignment along with exploring the caves natural wonders and some small horrors (bones mostly).

     The Jewel Caves were found in 1957
-       The cave is known for it’s limestone stalactites and stalagmites
-        It received the name “Jewel Cave” because there are crystals that form on rocks which look like jewels which was unique to that kind of cave
-       The water in the caves is very dense because as it goes through the forest floor it picks up the calcium in the limestone and then very slowly comes through the cave roof and forms the stalactites and stalagmites in the cave
-       There are many holes in the cave roof, which sometimes cause animals to fall down the hole and into the cave.  Some Kangaroo, Possum and Tasmanian Tiger skeletons have been discovered inside the cave
-      The first people who discovered the cave used those holes to lower themselves into the cave as an easier way of getting in

      Other Activities

      Chocolate Heaven on the way home as well.


  1. Hey already posted one but didn't work so this is short and sweet to the point. I'm sure your loving it there and having an awesome time with your family. we would like to hav you back but we know you are having more fun. see you term three but will keep intouch.

    from Humphrey Sheild

  2. by the way I feel sorry for you because you are missing out on rugby haha. That must SUCK so MUCH! but you will be having an awesome time over there and thats what I am missing out on so we are even, bugger.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey john it is nick here hope u got my email from last night, the photos that u posted were cool but nxt time when u r flying the plane keep ur eyes on the sky. It sounds like u got up early.

  5. Looks like your having an awesome time so jelous. Your going 2 miss dance ha pictures look great whats the best place you have been two? hope your having a great time .

  6. robbie here
    you are so lucky you have some really cool photos
    how long are you going for and how long have you been there for already?
    in some of your photos it looks like your only a cuppel of meters away

  7. hey john tom armstrong here what was the big orange round thing with the light one it. to me it looks like a cristle ball but im not shore.

  8. john it is taizan how are you going.
    yea buddy ;)

  9. hey John hav you seen any lions or are they sneaky little things and only come out and night. It must be cool as seeing all those animals what a life experence. i sent you a email as well i could'nt get on to this blogger site me bad as at tecnoligy
    well do any of animals try to eat you?
    Jake lochore

  10. Ha ha heard obout this site sounds like you having a great trip everyone is jealous accept for Cameron lol

  11. hey john is that orange ball made of cristals from the cave because i dont know get back to me

  12. hey john how was the choclate i bet you were sick after the tour or did you just see the out side

  13. likey those bright blue shoes john from kieran

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Jack B Warren : Hello john your holiday looks realy fun ibet you have had a great holiday so far. What has been your favourite activaty? the crystal caves look realy cool i wish i was there.

  16. hi john Fletcher here cool photos did you go on the awesome air New Zealand planes with the tvs in the back of the seats.If not bummer:( but you still get to travel around the world so thats a good thing and you get to go face to face with exotic animals and you get to stay in awesome lodges and you get to miss out on school. you pretty much have the best holiday everrrrrrrr!!!
    oh i wanted to know if you are you going to the Olympics?
