Sunday 29 July 2012


The Plane Journey
Sorry I haven't updated my blog for a while I have been busy traveling from South Africa to London on a 12 hour flight that wash't actually that bad.  The weather was lovely and we had all the times figured out and at about 4:00pm we found out our flight was at 6:50pm not 10:00pm!  We raced through the traffic all the way there and made it with the rain pouring down and us getting soaked to the skin.  We made it to our flight and I managed to have a sort of good sleep.

Some Facts about the Olympics
I watched the opening ceremony, which depicted the history of England through the industrial revolution to modern times.  Everybody in England is enjoying hosting the 30th modern Olympic Games.  204 countries are competing (republics etc) in 36 sports.

I will spend my time in England visiting family and friends but I will keep you updated on my journey throughout Europe.  By the way it's the middle of summer in England so I'm getting used to the sun going down at 9:00pm and the sun coming up at 5:00am.  Keep you updated!


  1. Weather in the Bay today is windy and rainy -- so I can't wait to get some sunshine when I catchup with you xx

  2. Looks great, your new profile picture makes you look like you've changed heaps! Any way hope you receive my new email, and could please tell us what events you'll be seeing in London, at the Olympics!

  3. Hi John,

    You have a really cool blog! You're making an incredible journey, i'm very jealous ;)
    It is a pity we can't meet when you are in Holland, as I am in Italy next week.
    Hopefully we can meet another time.
    Say hi to your father and brother. Tomorrow, I will meet up with you mother and grandmother. very excited to see them!
    I wish you a very pleasant journey and lots of fun!

    X Kee

  4. Hi jonh
    hope everything is going well.
    Some uestions i want to ask
    1. what r u going to see at the olmpic (events)
    2. what has been the favourite thing on ur tour.
    3. What is the favourite thing u have bought.
    From Nick Irvine

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi John

    Last Friday at school we had an Olympic quiz in bewteen the squads and my squad got a bronze medal and i bet you don't have a bronze sliver or ever gold medal. I've got one question for you and that is what part of London do you like the most? :-)

  6. Hi John

    We had an Olympic Quiz on friday the 3/06/2012 and it was great fun,Elder 1 got the bronze medal,Elder 2 got silver and i've cause grant 5 got the magnificent gold medal.What has been the best thing your trip so far John? we've done some storys about you. K bye

  7. hey john this is tizan last week was raynning and we can't play sport and p.e. london is sunny.
